Thursday, November 26

Girly girl

Went for sushi with Julia today, then went tanning after and came home to meet up with our roommate Jennee.... I am a girly girl... I know this, but today I was out-of-control.... When Jennee came home the 3 of us went shopping... mind you I didn't "really" shop... I brought back an outfit that I bought last week when Julia's brother Ben (my brotha from anotha motha) was visiting and exchanged it for a cute lil dress :)

After shopping we stopped by the ol' faithful wine wrack n' picked us up some red red wine!
I had so many things in my hands that my butter fingers slipped and I dropped my bottle of wine right in the middle of the sidewalk.... Thank god the wine guy was really nice because he gave me another bottle for free! :)

So we then continued on to pig out on some yummy-ness while drinking our red red wine. Julia got lucky and we picked her out one sexy ass outfit and did the same for Jen. Tomorrow we're going to Vivoli the Italian restaurant where Juls and Jen work and then out on the town!

I'm so sleepy right now, I stayed up until 4 am doing manicures and pedicures for the roommates, I better take a nap to rest up for tonight.

Monday, November 23

I heart butterflies <3

We all know I love butterflies.... why else would I have them tattooed on my back....

I had to share this cute salt/pepper shaker with you.... because something so simple brought a smile to my face :)

The cutest cuppycake yet....

I Know.... I haven't written in a million years, and yes so much has gone down in the past 2 weeks.... first off I'm not at The 10 Spot anymore, I was tired of being treated like I was new to the industry when I have been in it for 5 years, there were too many changes and I wasn't making enough money. I love all the girls and wish them the best!! I have some interviews set up and am particularly excited about one- but that's all a secret for now... will tell later! :)

I have a project that came to mind about a week ago and I've been thinking and thinking of it... Today I've been doing some research on it and I think it's something that might go down! But yet again it's something I'm keeping a secret until I have a sample to show... there's your first hit......It has nothing to do with my business... but maybe a mini one on the side? I'll have something to show you in the next week or so.... xx

Put up some Christmas decorations.... yes I turned into one of those people I hate that decorates for Christmas in November... and if some jerk face hadn't stolen my camera back in the summer I would show you a pic of my beautiful fire place :)......... If you love me and you're reading this- there's an idea for a Christmas gift... ;)

Okay so blah blah- wish me luck at my very exciting interview tomorrow! mwah

Monday, November 9

At home facialin yo.....

Tonight me and the roomies had a lil hang time- facial bar night, we cleansed, exfoliated, steamed (with our faces stuck in pots of boiling water and towels over our heads) hysterically laughing of course. I did extractions on them and myself, once again hysterically laughing- apparently they can't handle a little pressure. We then put boosters and face masks on, again laughing at how silly we looked. Up next is to tone and moisturize, have a snack and watch our one channel because we're too ghetto for cable, we hid the Wii for our Halloween party and can't seem to remember where we put it. We sould have thought a head and gotten a bottle of red red wine, maybe tomorrow.
Tonight, I sleep like a baby :)

Sunday, November 8

Kingston <3

I spent all day on the couch with my doggie (love the lazy days), he may be 3 pounds, but he can cuddle like none other :) Jennee and I cut his nails last night and I think tonight it's tub time!

Olivia's Shoes <3

I don't know what it is about these shoes but og my do I love love love them... the bitchy Olivia wore them in the last episode of The City, you only get a quick glance at them but it was quick enough for me to fall in love. I have no idea what designer they are but I'm sure they're a billion dollars and I would for sure break a leg or 2 tying to walk in the....but a girl can dream!

Thursday, November 5

The nerve......

I HATE younger people who do not get up for the elderly on the bus/streetcar- that is all...

Wednesday, November 4

Me, myself, shopping, pizza and red red wine.....

Spoiled myself silly today! And loved every minute of it!

I slept in until 1pm, took the subway down to the ol' Eaton Center and bought myself a new leather coat (my old one was hideously stolen from some club errr some after hours, yes I was there and no I'm not proud) anyway this one is just as cute but it has a hood! Great for the rain which I learned today!

After trying on billions of coats I did a little drugstore shopping, girls you know you love your drugstore shopping and then headed to the dollar store for some bargin fridge magnets, light bulbs, dish soap etc. I then headed home, fed my doggie and went up the street to pick up some ingredients for home made pizza and a bottle of red red wine.

So I wasn't planning on cheating and I was going to make the pizza from scratch but it was already 6:00 and I couldn't be bothered to make the crust, so I cheated and got flat bread. It was still F'in DE-licious (tomato sauce, fresh garlic, red pepper, green olives, gouda cheese, smoked mussles and basil..YUM)...... oh and I had my red red wine with it tooooo...

Up next is a hot bubble bath in my amazingly deep tub WITH the jets on! and a delicious sugar body scrub....Then off to bed because I work bright and early at 8am..barf....

It's so important to take these days for yourself, I use to do them all the time and I always felt amazing, it's been too long and I was due, I'm making it a point to this once a week for myslef, because I just so happen to be worth it. :)

Love a little style and design...

Since my roommates and I have moved into our place we have been getting a billion flyers and most weeks we just let them build up... tonight I had had enough- while cleaning the house and organizing my art supplies I decided to make a no flyers sign but this also required me to rid of the existing flyers in my mail box.

I came across a catalog and totally fell in-love with this company! Not only is the clothing to die for but I love loved the photography! They have a website, check it out!!!


Tuesday, November 3

Puppies and fuzzy bunnies....

My whole I life I haven't eaten meat.... by age 11 or so I got into the fish and around a year ago I started eating chicken... Someone fed me a fantastic chicken shwarma and I loved it, I slowly got to eating chicken.... first with no bones and only white meat... now I have no problem eating a chicken wing, until today... That feeling of "oh my I'm eating a bird" has come over me yet again and I think once again I need to be bird free, mind you I will always eat fish- I'm Scotian, it's in my blood!

"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." --Albert Einstein

The great man said it himself........

Monday, November 2

LONG time comin....

SO Cam put the pics up a little while ago and put some protective lock on them so I cannot save them to my computer, and he has yet to email them to me due to sucking (jk Cam you're loved muchly)... but Jennee (the blond model) managed to save a few before he locked them down so I will use one as a link to the rest!! Click the link below to see them all! It's the "Time of the Season" album, enjoy!!!

Cam and Carmen's photoshoot

The way out...

I wish I could be reminded of this every minute I start to slip on my goals and my positive thinking... It is dead on- what I need to be doing....

"The way out is to work on being as well rounded as possible. Put in time to bulid a few quality relationships; take up meaningful hobbies; develop a latent talent; explore different sides of your personality. They'll remind you of who you are and help you keep your eyes on the horizon."

My two roommates and I purchased a 50 million dollar lotto ticket tonight! fingers crossed! Now how F'in sweet would that be!? The universe has been on my side these past few days, so you neeevvver know (let me at least believe it's possible!!)
Oh how I'm feeling the sweet sweet positive energy all around me , lets hope the universe helps me out with finding this second job! The next two days it's my mission, I've had enough of this being broke thing, time to make some dolla bills yall!