Wednesday, January 27

Green Craft Magazine.....

Discovered this magazine online today!! N' I nearly peeeed my panties! This is so exciting and what I'm all about!! All the Crafts I have been making lately have been creative uses for old items and I'm having so much fun with it! I am for sure going to chapters this week to pick up myself a copy!!

As I type right now I'm making a stuffy elephant out of my beloved Michael Kors sweater that my stupid washing machine even though on delicate mode decided to eat holes through. I figured it had sat around in a basket for long enough and it is %100 unfixable there for I must make another use of it, it can never be worn again and I have finally come to terms with this.

I keep all Christmas cards and make my own out of them the next year, I pick pine cones off the street and cover them in glitter to make ornaments and take apart ugly bulky charm bracelets and make tree ornaments with them. Yesterday I finished a stuffed toy shark for someone I had promised it to (he is still not %100 sure on what to name the shark) using an old sweat shirt Julia didn't want. I have been using scraps of her old clothes to put patches on handmade teddy bears and anything I can get my hands on really!
Clearly I have developed quite the hobby so you can only imagin my excitement when I came across this magazine and I had to share it with the world!

Okee, back to my elephant!

"GreenCraft Magazine will provide ideas for repurposing trash to treasure by showcasing projects where waste is repurposed into ecologically chic creations. Last, but not least, to maintain the theme of recycling, the entire publication will be printed on recycled paper." ................ Love it!

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